This item appeared in a crime blotter in Amherst, Massachusetts, last week: “Police responded to an Amherst site where a man and a woman were hiking, and the woman became ill. Police determined the woman was just trying to get out of a date set up using the WeChat app, and feigned illness instead of being more forthcoming about why she wanted to end the hike.”
* Ahhh, hiking. Going out into the woods alone with someone you just met is always a good idea.
* If you’re going to try this as a first date, at least have a rescue helicopter standing by.
* Usually when a woman fakes something on a date it’s more fun than this.
* She got sick, alright. Sick of her date.
* I’ve heard of bad dates – but calling the police?
* She wasn’t very convincing, especially when she shouted, “Ouch, I think I just got malaria.”
* Then she added, “Darn, that tuberculosis must be back.”
* She was in a perfect position to tell the guy to take a hike and she blew it.
* PHONE TOPIC: How I Faked My Way Out Of A Date.


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