It’s the first political correctness controversy of the new year. Old Navy has removed a toddler T-shirt from its stores after complaints. The shirt featured the saying “Young Aspiring Artist,” but had the word ‘artist’ crossed out and replaced with professions like ‘astronaut’ and ‘president’. The people complaining? Artists. On Twitter and Facebook, comments poured in. “Hey Old Navy, what’s wrong with being an artist?” wrote one user. “The fact that Old Navy is saying that being an artist isn’t a respectable profession and promoting that in children’s clothing is ridiculous! They’re discouraging kids from expressing their creativity!” And from one proud artist: “Thanks Old Navy for telling kids that art is a less viable career path than astronaut. Sincerely, A Working Artist.”
* And the artists were the first to notice the T-shirts because they’re all, you know, working at Old Navy.
* Now the artist who designed the T-shirt has been fired. So – one less working artist.
* Being an artist is a perfectly respectable profession. Unless you like to, you know, eat and stuff.
* Meanwhile, ‘plumbers’ get screwed again.
* Why stop there…what about “Old Navy”? Doesn’t that show ageism?
* Plus the name T-shirt discriminates against the other letters of the alphabet.
* I’m really starting to get the hang of this political correct thing.
* The key is to be morally outraged. Then figure out why later.


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