An Omaha, Nebraska, woman said she woke up to discover she had gone blind in one eye. Janese Walters said her medical case baffled doctors for a month until she mentioned she had a cat, which had recently licked her. That’s when she was diagnosed with cat-scratch disease. The Centers for Disease Control notes that about 40 percent of cats will carry B. henselae, the bacterium that causes the disease, within their lifetimes. The disease usually takes hold when an infected cat scratches or bites a person, or licks an open wound. According to the CDC, the infected area may appear swollen and red with round, raised lesions and can have pus. A person can also develop a fever (like the Ted Nugent song) or a headache.
* Should have gone with a dog.
* First, I agree that Ted Nugent has a song called “Cat Scratch Fever” but I don’t think it’s about this.
* However there can be some scratching going on.
* And I guess it could lead to some swelling. So maybe they are a lot alike.
* So all you people who let your cats lick their open wounds, cut it out.
* You know the sad part after you get this? Your cat still won’t care.
* The cat’ll be thinking, “As long as you can still work a can opener to get me some cat food, I’m okay with it.”
CLIP: Ted Nugent’s “Cat Scratch Fever”.


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