* Did you have an unromantic proposal? What happened? Did you say yes?
* What secret are you keeping from your partner?
* Grand romantic gestures that failed.
* Would you date someone who was living with their parents?
* Ever break up because of a pet?
* Did you ever have somebody do something creepy in an attempt to get your affections?
* Is there really any way to talk to your overweight spouse about their weight? Short answer: no. Have you found a way? Are you the overweight one? How should your spouse approach you?
* GOODBYE TO LOVE - What's the longest it ever took you to recover from a breakup and get back into circulation? The quickest?
* THE LAST STRAW - The final bit of behavior that made you break up with a partner, or split with a friend.
* HIDING AN ADDICTION - Are you hiding a (non-drug-related) addiction from your partner? Do they have any idea how much you love ... chocolate ... Home Shopping Network ... Downton Abbey?
* Did you ever have a guy tell a big lie to impress you?
* Do you have a private or public nickname for your boyfriend/girlfriend?
* Have you ever had a date night with your spouse that went wrong?
* Did you ever reconnect with a first love? Was it everything you dreamed, or was it horrible?
* MONEY SECRETS - Do you hide purchases from your partner? Did you have to fix an expensive mistake or accident, and just not mention the whole thing?
* Has your loved one gotten plastic surgery that you secretly are not happy with?
* A first date that was over before it began.
* My low-rent wedding.
* The date was going so well until ...
* I once tried to hide something from my parents.
* Ever had a bad surprise when you returned from vacation?
* Are there chores you won't let your husband do?
* Do your children have any friends you can't stand?
* Do you have a crazy relative? In what way are they nuts?
* The time I had to have my mom bail me out of trouble.
* What big family secret did you learn after someone's death?
* How do you divide up the chores in your house?
* Are you dating/married to someone who has to call his or her mother about everything?
* Is a parent living with you? Are you living with your parents? How's that working out?
* What lies did your parents tell about you? Did they lie about your age to get you cheaper tickets? Did they lie in their Christmas letters?
* Have you gone with solar panels at your home? How's that working out for you?
* The worst damage ever done to your house or apartment during a party. If caused by others, did you ask them to help pay for repairs?
* Do-It Yourself home projects that went wrong.
* My HOA is run by a bunch of Nazis.
* Were you ever watching somebody cook when you saw them do something disgusting?
* I put the wrong thing in the microwave.
* My Neighbor From Hell.
* My life was ruined by social media!
* Does Facebook make you feel envious? Whose Facebook page do you hate hate hate?
* DON'T LOOK - What have you got on your laptop, PC or other devices that you wouldn't want anyone to see?
* Have you ended contact with somebody because of a tweet or Facebook comment?
* NEW YEAR'S - What are the best and worst things that happened to you in the past year?
* VALENTINE'S DAY - Bad Valentine's Day gifts.
* My worst holiday-related fight.
* CHRISTMAS - "Visit With Santa" disasters.
* CHRISTMAS - My worst / most disappointing Christmas present.
* CHRISTMAS - ARE THOSE REAL? - Have a phone debate over real Christmas trees vs. artificial. Do you believe in global warming? Should America and Europe be growing and then burning or trashing about 100 million live trees each year?
* Did you ever break up on a holiday - Christmas, Thanksgiving, Easter, Valentine's Day or your birthday?
* REGIFTING - What do you do with awful presents? Do you regift them? Donate them to charity? Ever get a present so bad you didn't dare pass it along to someone else?
* WELCOME TO THE FAMILY - Are their any unusual additions to your extended family that you'll be meeting over the holidays? Any cougars or sugar daddies among the uncles and aunts with their new "friends"?
* CHRISTMAS TRADITIONS - Do you have a special family Christmas tradition - perhaps brought from another country?
* YES, THERE IS A SANTA CLAUS - Have you ever taken steps to prove to your kids that Santa exists? What have you done? Such as:
- Have a family member slip outside, jingle some sleigh bells and throw rocks on the roof.
- Have someone pretending to be Santa calling your kid.
- Have someone sneak in and put presents under the tree while you take the family somewhere.
* THANKSGIVING - Are you one of those people who would forgo Thanksgiving to go stand in line at Walmart?
* HALLOWEEN - Most Hated Trick-or-Treat Candy
* What food item or other daily treat would you absolutely hate to go without?
* Parties - Do you have an awesome snack or dip recipe to share?
* My Roommate Nightmare.
* I told a big lie and got away with it.
* Ever injure yourself while grooming ... down there?
* Tales from schooldays: "If my teacher had done that today, they would have been fired.
* I was duped! Has anyone ever faked you out in a big way?
* SPEAK UP OR SHUT UP - Ever learn a nasty secret about a friend's partner? Did you keep it to yourself, or say something? What happened?
* FINDERS KEEPERS - Ever find something and keep it without making any effort to locate the owner?
* Do you have a very unusual nickname? How did you get it?
* My strangest accident.
* What rude gym behavior do you hate?
* Did you get plastic surgery, and are you happy you did?
* GOTTA HAVE IT - Do you, or someone you know, collect things? Toy owls or pigs, beer coasters, etc.? Has it gotten out of hand?
* Have you ever spilled an embarrassing secret about someone? Has someone told an embarrassing secret about you?
* Ever drive off with something on the roof of your car? A phone? A briefcase? A baby? Ever see someone driving down the street with something on their roof?
* Did you share pictures of your child's delivery on social media? Do you like seeing these pictures?
* My Mean Old Boss!
* Ever screw up a job interview? Or interview someone you would never hire in a million years?
* Did you ever get angry and smash something in public or at work?
* If you had an office romance, did you keep it secret? Why?
* Do you have a whistler or a hummer in your office?
* Do you work for a company from home? Do you honestly get more done at home or at the office?
* Have you ever caught co-workers in the act?
* Have you ever been laid off in a mean or unnecessary way?
* Do you work with a cologne offender? Do you work in a school where all the boys smell like Axe?
* Wives, do you have a problem with your husband's attractive co-worker?
* GET BACK TO WORK! - Has your workplace instituted guidelines to keep employees off social media during office hours? Do people sneak facebook and Twitter time?
* Horrible things my boss makes me do.
* "First-day eff-ups." How did you screw up the first day on the job?
* Do you have to wear a uniform for work that you hate?
* Do you have a lot of hugging in your workplace? Is it awkward? Is your boss a hugger? Is that appropriate?
* What's the craziest thing you've ever done, or seen someone do, while driving?
* Ever have an accident because of something you were doing while driving? What was it?
* Did you give your car a name? What is it? Why?
* WHAT A HEAP - Many people start their motoring life with a less-than-stellar used heap. What was the worst car you've ever owned? What's the worst or most embarrassing breakdown you've ever had? Oil leak made the engine burn itself up? Car rolled to a stop in the middle of a busy intersection?
* What's the worst celebrity-endorsed product you've ever encountered?
* The awful thing I once found in my food.
* What one thing has kept you from going back to a restaurant?
* Do you have an alternative medicine that you swear by?
* What's the worst weight loss or exercise product you ever tried?
* The one recent movie where you most wish you could get your money back.
* Is there a particular commercial on the air right now that you hate?
* A store or restaurant was once really, really nice to us.
* Have you ever camped out for a movie, a sale, or an event? How long did you wait, and was it worth it?
* My airline seatmate from hell.
* What concert behavior do you hate hate hate?
* Stupid injuries and ridiculous accidents.
* Bad pet behavior; "My pet destroyed my -."
* MY BIGGEST DARE - What's the most daring thing you ever did?
* The unbelievably nice thing someone once did for you.
* Stuck! Ever get stuck somewhere horrible? In a place, on an amusement park ride, in an elevator... where's the worst place you ever got stuck?
* "I am the worst ... " What have you spectacularly failed at?
* Ever borrow something from a friend - a car, a power tool - and damage it? How did the two of you handle it?
* I'M A FREAK - Do you have a strange or amusing abnormality? Extra organs? Webbed toes? An odd medical condition?
* Wild animal encounters - Did you ever come face-to-face with a dangerous wild animal like a bear or bobcat?
* "It Was A Really Bad Idea". What have you done that, in retrospect, was a really bad idea?
* Did you ever have a teacher at school or college do something that they probably should have been fired for?
* What's the worst behavior you've ever witnessed at a sporting event?
* "I Saw Stupid." – Have listeners call with amazing examples of stupidity.
* "My faith in humanity was restored when ..."
* Wacky wedding stories.